There are many styles and formats. The cards are very eye catching and are an excellent vehicle for getting an idea or particular point across quickly. The card is printed on a special, very high quality stock and varnished on both sides and like all OCS products they are totally customized to your needs.
For the many years we have been offering Trading Cards. They still remain a popular item with our clients. One of our primary missions obviously is to assist our customers raise funds through our custom Direct Mail Fundraising efforts. However, these cards do provide certain organizations, another medium by which to help promote their Department or Company, or to demonstrate community involvement and pride, along with offering increased exposure. The cards are also good for open houses, safety training reminders, and emergency service education programs, especially with children. They also make great event cards.
The appearance and quality of the card is essential. The OCS Omni-Card is a top-of-the-line card! You have a choice of over 30+ border designs in multiple colors. The cards are printed on high quality 12 point varnished stock. There are even various designs and suggested formats for the backer copy. We will even include your full color department patch, badge or logo. Our design assistance is always readily available.
Call us for pricing 1-800-877-4627.